Elegance in Brushstrokes: Exploring the Artistry of Artist Jessie Ren's '上善若水' Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy is a profound art form that seamlessly combines aesthetics, culture, and language. Artist Jessie Ren was influenced by her family to love calligraphy and painting. Majoring in architecture at the university, she specializes in pen architectural painting. From 1986 to 1990, when she studied at "China Agricultural University", she studied under the famous calligrapher of the school: Bei Weiyang. She has been studying the history of Traditional Chinese calligraphy and practicing different Chinese Calligraphy skills in different styles full-time since 2003. She is active in the Chinese Calligraphy scene in Singapore and has been invited by Singapore museums, schools, and various institutions to teach and perform Chinese Calligraphy. Fully committed to the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture for the past 26 years, she was invited to participate in various Chinese Calligraphy and Art exhibitions in Singapore.
In this masterpiece, "上善若水" (shàng shàn ruò shuǐ), Artist Jessie Ren demonstrated her exceptional skill in handling large brushstrokes, emitting strength and control of the non-cursive strokes. In this blog post, we will delve into the beauty and significance of this artwork, as well as explore the profound meaning behind the phrase "上善若水."
"上善若水" (shàng shàn ruò shuǐ) is a famous phrase attributed to the ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi, who is also the founder of Daoism (道、Taoism). This phrase holds profound meaning in both philosophy and calligraphy:
上善 (shàng shàn): "上" (shàng) means "the highest" or "supreme," while "善" (shàn) translates to "goodness" or "virtue." Together, "上善" embodies the idea of the highest form of virtue or goodness.
若水 (ruò shuǐ): "若" (ruò) means "like" or "resembling," and "水" (shuǐ) translates to "water." "若水" conveys the concept of being like water.
When combined, "上善若水" suggests that the highest form of goodness or virtue is akin to water. This phrase is often interpreted in several ways:
Adaptability: Water is incredibly adaptable, taking the shape of any container it occupies. Similarly, true virtue should be flexible and adaptable to different situations and people.
Flowing Grace: Water flows naturally and gracefully, without force. Virtue should also flow effortlessly and harmoniously in one's actions and deeds.
Nourishment: Just as water nourishes and sustains life, the highest virtue should nourish and uplift society, promoting harmony and well-being.
Humility: Water always seeks the lowest point, symbolizing humility. The highest form of virtue is often found in those who are humble and unpretentious.
In Jessie Ren's "上善若水" calligraphy, the characters hold firm and upright across the paper mirroring the quiet strength of a calm ocean. The brushstrokes exhibit a perfect balance of strength and softness, reflecting the virtue of adaptability and grace. Jessie Ren's choice of traditional materials and techniques showcases her respect for the rich history of Chinese calligraphy while infusing it with a contemporary touch.
"上善若水" by Jessie Ren is a masterpiece that not only demonstrates her passion for Chinese Calligraphy but also encapsulates the timeless wisdom of Laozi's philosophy. This calligraphy piece serves as a reminder that true virtue is a dynamic and flowing force, like water, capable of nourishing and harmonizing the world. In a world often characterized by rigidity and chaos, Jessie Ren's artwork encourages us to embody the qualities of water and strive for the highest form of goodness in our lives.